Discovery of Moscow industrial scene in 2006. Innumerable quantity of parallels of different in sounding
and style associations of electronic scene past and present from Cat Rapes Dog period of their better days
in the beginning- middle of the 90th to classicality Flesh Field and energy charge of the contemporary
Funker Vogt and Hocico.But, Wavefall and in this case remains itself, personifying the new generation of
Russian electronic scene, that generation, which hacks to itself road in the world industrial music by the
coupled sounding of electric saws and organic synthetics. It goes without saying, after this album for the
band it is necessary to constantly support the high quality of this album with their following releases. The
passed concert appearances in several cities of Russia focused on themselves attention by the stage image
of group, which skillfully combines gloomy colors with the industrial of dancing direction. Their own style
distinguishes the band from the mass of other cloned groups. The audio and visual alloy of the material -
one additional reason to have a closer look up the group and their live concerts. Briefly, if you would like
to know what the modern danceable russian industrial means - buy a one-way ticket and Welcome to the
world after Wavefall! No return.