One of Tympanik Audio’s most beloved artist returns with his first full-length album in five years. A mosaic ofDisplacer’s unique and vast repartee of styles, ‘Night Gallery‘ may possibly be his most mature and focused album to date.
Utilizing an impressive backdrop of sounds, moods, and composition techniques, Displacer ushers his listeners to the front row with a melancholic edge that was perhaps merely oblique on previous releases. With spacious atmospheres and trip-hop beats setting the stage, each track on ‘Night Gallery‘ offers a unique disposition of beauty, transcending any previous works as each seem to take on a life of their own. Dripping with wet beatwork, dark basslines, and a sluice of encompassing ambiance, ‘Night Gallery‘ finds Displacer in top form, presenting a powerful album that is vigorous, haunting, mysterious and quite memorable.