he difficult and gloomy year of 2020 was also marked by untimely death of Florian Schneider who was not only one of the founders of KRAFTWERK, but also a pioneer of electronic music in general. The sound concept of the PLONK label has always been inspired by the great legacy of KRAFTWERK and the artists from the label tried to carefully develop the unique musical style that this extraordinary band set for the entire electronic scene many years ago. Given this sad circumstance and with great appreciation, the label decided to devote the next part of the famous machine pop saga "We Are Machine Pop 6" to the memory of Florian Schneider. This compilation is not a regular KRAFTWERK tribute - almost all 14 tracks from artists like DATAPOP, MASCHINE BRENNT, UNISONLAB, MARBOSS, KOSMONAUTE, ZEITMODELLE, CONNY OLIVETTI, TECHNIKAI ATALLAS, NIELS GORDON and KEVIN LUX are brand new and authentic - it is also united by a common idea of the most sincere gratitude to the work of this esteemed German musician.
PLONK has a unique strategy in the modern electronic music scene, purposefully developing such an exclusive genre as “machine pop” and creating an international roster of artists who can be called the inheritors of the classic KRAFTWERK sound, researchers of vintage analog synthesizer soundscapes and creators of cold and minimalistic, but elegant sound collages.
Limited edition of 350 handnumbered copies. /In stock: 28.10.2020/