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Human Vault - DAT Data Archives / 5x CD Box / SOLD OUT!
Human Vault - DAT Data Archives / 5x CD Box / SOLD OUT!
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Frontier Guards - You / CD SOLD OUT! 12.00EUR

Martin aka Atreid and his space body Frontier Guards returns after a few years under the wings of the home label Aliens production and lands on our base. We are glad that we can present this concept and praise it for its specialty. Atreid, this time relies only on his handwriting, and he leaves his work only on himself without any cooperations. With its sound this concept returns to the point when under our label has resonated releases such as Predestination and Inteface. Hypnotic sounds are back again and with it exactly what the Frontier Guards are doing best. Combination of mystery of the atmospheric surfaces of film-based corners and industrial blocks. Melancholic waves due to the sound of the piano and the varied palette of melodies waves in ambient structures. The concept which is influenced by nature and the universe will get you from the opening minutes. The unique story and sound that has its own unique handwriting. Music that is mysterious and aligned at the same time. Crystalline sounds and melancholic lines pulsate during the whole work. Various moods and melodies swims in wombs of organic flows. Energetically melancholic and quality listening for the electronic community.First 30 copies including poster. /In stock: 25.04.2019/

Pre viac informácií navštívte domovskú stránku tohoto produktu.
Tento produkt bol pridaný do nášho katalógu dňa 20. 03. 2019.
Zákazníci ktorí kúpili tento produkt, kúpili u nás tiež
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Colony Collapse Disorder - Varroa Disruptor / CD
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Stairway Maze - Hollow Spaces / CDr SOLD OUT!
Stairway Maze - Hollow Spaces / CDr SOLD OUT!
Ambiguous - The garden of ruins / CD SOLD OUT!
Ambiguous - The garden of ruins / CD SOLD OUT!
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Kifoth - Acerbity torrent / CD
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Lagowski presents Legion - False Dawn / 2CD
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Aliens production
Aliens production Domovská stránka
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